2014년 1월 7일 화요일

sustainability pt1

While I was taking class yesterday, for no reason... this whole scenario came across my mind..

There are two jobs.. each job requires one worker..
Job 1 requires 8 hours... but can be crammed to 7 hours if additional $10 is paid..
Job 2 requires 1 hours...
and hourly wage is $10....

What would you do if you were the boss...

have one worker do both job by cramming Job 1


Have one part time worker to do Job 2.... 

The cost is going to be same in both scenario... which is .. $90... I am sure that there are people who would choose second option because they just can't do simply math and thinks first option would cost them more...
although if you consider all the indirect costs associated with each employees, you will find out that you are actually saving money if you go with first option....

what you, as an employer, should consider more is the social aspect of sustainability.. which in this case is the motivation of the worker or morale. 

to be continued.... 

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