2013년 7월 17일 수요일

Lean Manufacturing / Improving facility

Okay... I have been trying to find an intern, part/full position during this summer for a company/facility to try my knowledge and skills in lean manufacturing and six sigmas learned at my school and previous works. Although I failed to do so, I am going to virtually share what I am going to do actually if I were to involved in actual project.

Since I was mainly hoping to work at a manufacturing facility, I will use simple manufacturing company as an example.

First, I would have to do some study and evaluate company's current situation. I have to gather data such as time, tasks assigned to each station, number of works, and all other necessary data.

Well, at this step, we need some theoretical standard numbers to compare those recorded data with to see if company is doing below or above the standard. These standards can be calculated using many different techniques such as

  1. time study
  2. motion study
  3. queueing theory
  4. assembly line balancing technique. 

If the company is doing below calculated standards, then management should step in and make some changes to maximize their utilization and reduce wastes.
To achieve this, company may need to redesign their facility more organized and efficient. They may also need to train their workers to do the job in proper way which maximizes their process. The most important thing is that the top management should be willing and able to make this changes even though it may cost them now.
At this step, company may incorporate such techniques as:

  1. Facility redesign
  2. Kaizen - gradual continuous improvement.
  3. Poke-yoke - mostly done by organizing work stations and making somekind of signs.
  4. PDCA/DMAIC - Plan Do Check Act/ Define Measure Analysis Improve Control. Both are for Six Sigma
  5. Simulation(promodel) - to see if the theoretical changes actually improves the system (if used right, helps company save tons money)
  6. 5s - Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain

Once company made changes and improved their process, the most important thing is to sustain those changes by making check list. It would be nice thing to give rewards to department or people who made most improvements or suggested most realistic and helpful improvement to company to reinforce workers to be actively involved in improvement.

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